Are you wondering, “Why did I choose Creative Leaves as my brand name, and how does it reflect my passion?”
As a nature lover, I’ve always been drawn to how leaves adorn trees and plants, and of course, the beauty and uniqueness of each leaf. As you know, leaves play a vital role in the process of photosynthesis. Have you ever wondered why different plants have different types of leaves?
The answer is simple: “Each plant in the world has unique requirements for food, water, etc. To adapt to these needs, plant species have developed the remarkable feature of producing leaves suited to their specific requirements. Thus, a diverse variety of leaves exists in nature. The true beauty of a plant lies in its leaves.”
This is what drew me to the green world of nature, and this is exactly what I wanted to do: “Create a leaf according to your needs, striving to make it beautiful and unique so that it becomes an irresistible asset for your company. It contributes to the growth of an organization.”
Usually, my ideas take shape on paper, as this allows me to try as many designs as possible. Working directly on the computer is also nice, but it not only slows down the creative process but also takes more time to execute my ideas. I then shift my concepts to the computer for digital versions.
That’s how I came up with the idea of using leaves. Why not three leaves? Each leaf represents something meaningful: the first generates life, the second gives hope, and the third stands for regeneration. Together, they symbolize simplicity.
The leaves you see in the logo are not like natural leaves, but rather an iconic and minimalistic version of them.
Nature is the inspiration for all ornamentation FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT © 2006 - 2025